Regular Links Sort by: Hits | Alphabetical Psihoterapie individuala Sibiu In psihoterapia individuala, vom aborda dificultatile psihologice in sistem unu-la-unu,iar terapia va avea loc intre psihoterapeut si o singura persoana. Procesul terapeutic este unul co-creat, bazandu-se pe colaborarea dintre psihoterapeut si persoana aflata in terapie. Baza acestui proces o reprezinta construirea unei relatii terapeutice solide, de incredere intre cele doua parti. Doar in acest fel vom putea facilita explorarea libera a gandurilor si emotiilor, formularea de comun acord a unor obiective si colaborarea activa pentru indeplinirea lor. - Details | Therapy and Counselling Experts in London The heart of our organisation is our team. We work together in a supportive manner so that everything we do is built upon our relationships with each other. Being collaborative means, everyone’s opinion matters and everyone’s beliefs are important. The diversity of our team’s ideas and experiences, is invaluable. We welcome difference in all its forms but also hold tightly to the conviction of a shared humanity that enables us to offer the same respect, compassion and empathy to everyone equally. We all speak a common language that is warm, inclusive and supportive. Our focus is upon making the time our clients spend with us, as helpful as possible. The work that we do is filled with curiosity about a person’s values and beliefs, and how they experience the world. We consider it our duty to work hard to establish a relationship with each of our clients that is kind and courageous, compassionate and challenging, concerned and constructive. These are the characteristics of the EASE approach. - Details | |